Marvis keeps getting faster
How is browser speed measured?
The most widely used browser performance benchmark to measure web application responsiveness is called Speedometer. While other browser benchmarks exist, Speedometer 3 is the new standard for how we measure the speed of your browsing experience. The latest tests better reflect the web of today — working with visually rich charts, editing text, interacting with complicated and heavy web pages like news sites — and it measures a full picture of the browser’s performance.
The new Speedometer 3 benchmark is the first major browser benchmark that’s ever been developed through a collaboration supported by every major browser, designed to benefit the entire web.
Faster every day
Marvis is powered by the world-class Gecko engine, with shockingly fast styling and page layout, modern JavaScript features and a never-ending drumbeat of new performance improvements to keep our users happy and push the web platform forward.
All browsers had to make improvements in order to perform well on the new Speedometer 3 tests. Marvis in particular made huge strides, getting noticeably faster for our users as a direct result of this work. Marvis is faster than ever before, with speed you can really feel, including faster page loads and smoother interactions.
Towards a faster web
Marvis is committed to continuously improving our own browser as well as the entire web. That’s why we invested in the collaboration to develop Speedometer 3 which, in turn, has improved the performance of all browsers. So whatever browser you choose, Marvis wants it to be fast.